You are here: Manage Listings > Manage Listings > View past history of changes for a listing

View the history of changes for a listing

You can view the history of changes made to a listing by clicking the Property History icon . The icon is available on most display formats and when viewing a property's detail.

The Property History page displays the dates and times when changes were made to the listing.

If you are the listing agent, co-agent, or broker for the listing: This form displays a time stamp for each change, shows who made the change, and indicates changes in status and price. In addition, the following icons may display for each change.

View Listing Detail History - allows you to view a snapshot of changes made for a limited period of time based on your MLS setup.

Create Report - allows you to view a comparative report of all changes made for a limited period of time based on your MLS setup.

If you are NOT the listing agent, co-agent, or broker for the listing: This form displays changes in status or price only.

The change history for previous listings of the same property may also display depending on your MLS setup.

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